Hope for the Holidays

In our 10th year together, we are hoping to see you do something unprecedented. The goal is a self-sustaining Christian Community Center that will provide training and resources to tens of thousands of Malawians. It will also provide housing for staff and missions teams, a place for outreach, kids' clubs, and some day, a health clinic.

The entire cost of this project totals $120,000. However, building costs are rising, meaning every day we wait moves us farther from our goal. The first $20,000 of this will purchase the necessary property for this ministry center and take a huge step toward radically changing the futures of tens of thousands of Malawians.

Your gift today will give RtH Malawi a home base to train, equip, and encourage leaders for God’s work in their own villages. But if we do not act now, this opportunity to build a beacon of hope will slip from our grasp.

Give TODAY and lead the push forward in giving HOPE to Malawians!